Collaboration with BNN in fight against drugs
Badan Narkota Nasional Kabupaten (BNNK) East Tanjung Jabung Regency (Tanjabtim) – West Tanjung Jabung Regency (Tanjabbar) continues to make a breakthroughs to prevent drugs trafficking .
This was revealed by Head of BNNK Tanjabtim – Tanjabbar Cecep Subaryat told reporters after the signing of MOU with PT. Jaya Sakti Mandiri Unggul in the BNNK Office Hall, Tuesday (9/1).
In a ceremony attended by Drug Tanjab Police Section, Sekdis Dinas Nakertrans, Pabung representing Dandim 0419 Tanjab, Chairman of MUI Tanjabtim and all public figures and media.
In the future BNNK Tanjabtim – Tanjabbar will continue to make a number of steps as a breakthrough to inhibit the speed of circulation drugs and efforts to suppress the number of narcotics abuse in this area.
“We really appreciate tahe steps taken by PT Jaya Sakti Mandiri Unggul which obliges its employees to clean drugs as the main requirement of working in that company, we will also regularly conduct urine test as an effort to establish sustainable silaturrahim”
BNNK Tanjabtim – Tanjabbar has established cooperation between agencies and OKP, and previously has also made a declaration of cooperation with 100 employees TKKB Tanjabtim and a number of other organizations.
In the future, BNNK Tanjabtim – Tanjabbar will also continue to safeguard monitoring and supervision on all fronts. Then also will establish cooperation to companies and other institutions in order to suppress the use and efforts drugs in Tanjung Jabung East.
In the same opportunity after signing the MOU, the leadership of PT. Jaya Sakti Mandiri Unggul, Indra Juniansyah Siregar said, it is very selective of employees to not get involved drugs, one of them by cooperating with BNNK Tanjabtim – Tanjabbar.
“One of the conditions we make for our company is that employees must be clean of drugs, hopefully this can be our task, as well as being an example in Jambi Province and nationally, that the dangers of drugs are very worrying and Indonesia is a country with emergency drug status .
Indra also hopes that this activity can continue with regular urine examination for employees of PT. Jaya Sakti Mandiri Unggul. .