Hunting +62 21 6196333
Working Hours Mon - Fri 08.00 - 17.00


TOP Management Commitment

JSMU is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all personnel.


Our Goal Is Zero Incident

Safety Is an integral part of JSMU operational. JSMU is committed to the Goal zero incidents on all projects. No work is so important that it cannot be done safely and securely.


Responsibility And Awareness

Safety is a “Line Management” responsibility. Senior management is responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring the safety and loss prevention program. Each staff member then has specidic responsibilities for safe work.

The responsibilities are defined for the BOD, Operational Manager, Project Manager, Deputy Area Manager, HSE Personnel, Staff Coordinator, Supervisor, and Al of whom are accountable in turn for their own safety. Finally, all employees, clients and others are personally responsible for their own safety. As well as, they share the responsibility for the safety of other personnel on the project. To encourage safety awarness and practice, JSMU measures all safety performance and rewards superior safety performance.


Working Together for Success

Safety cannot be “ delegated” to HSE staff, the HSE staff support line management by assisting in jobsite training, serving as trained, and knowledgeable observers, providing administrative assistance, monitoring evaluation and scoring the success of safety program. While this rule is important, commitment and active participation by everyone, everyday, on every job is necessary if we are to achieve the level of safety excellent that JSMU expects.